Best Massage for Neck and Shoulder Pain

Is your neck aching because of poor posture, or have you been spending hours at the desk slogging it out? Often, we end up pressing the hurting points for some relief, and many times, the pain lessens. But shoulder and neck pain can end up as a chronic debilitating complaint if you leave it unattended.

Massage therapy is gaining popularity because it offers physical and emotional respite from the agony and discomfort caused by shoulder and neck stiffness.

Many people keep popping over-the-counter medicines for pain relief, but to no avail. Others end up at the acupuncturist to get needles poked in for relief, or they start limiting physical activity to get rid of the pain. These remedies and neck pain treatments do work for a while but have their limitations.

The neck and spinal cord are interconnected and the most vulnerable regions of the body. Any harm can be very dangerous; thus, we have to tread carefully. Massage therapy is a corrective measure to provide relief from neck and shoulder pain, but it has to be applied by a trained professional to provide relief.

The therapy is harmless, but if there is excessive pressure, then it can cause malaise and soreness in the shoulder region. Also, if pressure is applied to the wrong delicate area, it can aggravate the pain, so extra care is imperative, and the spinal region is best left alone.

What prompts neck and shoulder stiffness and pain?

Several reasons are responsible for the neck and shoulder pain, and these are:
1. Wrong posture
2. Excessive exercising
3. Stress and tension
4. Sleeping in awkward and wrong postures
5. Sitting in an uncomfortable position for hours
6. Muscle strain
7. Overuse or slouching body
8. Wrong pillows and mattresses
9. An injury

Massages are said to be stress busters and have rehabilitative and therapeutic powers. They can reduce discomfort and improve pain in the neck and shoulder region. The blood circulation improves, and the inflammation in the neck and shoulder region dissipates with regular massage therapy.

Get rid of the painful trigger points on the neck and shoulder:
The stress points of the neck, shoulders, face and scalp are pressed and manipulated to alleviate discomfort. If the headache is related to blocked sinuses, then this provides relief from the neck and shoulder stiffness.

Reduce stress and sleep well:
Undoubtedly, massaging the neck, shoulders, and head can prove to be a great stressbuster and can provide immense relief. Moreover, it can improve your emotional well-being, sleep and anxiety at the same time.

Improve blood flow:
Massage therapist ingeniously uses different tools, techniques and hands to manipulate the muscles, tendons and tissues to improve blood flow and reduce strain tension in the muscles. Plenty of people book massage therapy sessions for their neck pain and feel relieved with the periodic and calculative pressing and kneading. Good blood flow reduces inflammation and provides relief to injured and overused parts of the body. Moreover, the circulation of blood also improves the skin, health, and body functions.

Get rid of emotional stress:
Emotional stress is carried on the neck and shoulders and this leads to tension, stiffness and headaches. Get a relaxing massage to let out the built up stress in the neck and shoulders to feel better. A stiff and painful neck can lead to agony, and the right tissue and muscle manipulation can help relieve the pent-up physical and emotional stress.

Calm the pinched nerve:
The pain in the neck may be a result of a pinched nerve, and it can leave one with hampered mobility. The nerve swells up and can be very painful. The professional masseuse manipulates the neck region with slow, relaxing Swedish massage therapy strokes to release neck tension and shoulder pain. Once the muscle and the muscles elongate with the stretching and pressing, the individual feels relief. This also reduces pressure on the nerve as a result of overuse or injury.

Different massage modalities can work excellently to reduce neck and back pain. These massages differ from each other on the basis of stroke style and pressure applied:

1. Swedish massages work very well to reduce shoulder and neck pain. The technique involves gentle and long steady strokes along the length of the muscles and dissipates tension and stiffness in the neck region. The gentle strokes, kneading and friction movements relax the body and improve the flow of blood. The stress-related tension is removed, and the pain starts getting controlled. The masseuse massages the neck, shoulders, head and back for relief.

2. Deep tissue massage is also recommended to provide relief from neck and shoulder pain. In this massage modality, the therapist presses the deeper layers of connective tissue and muscles to heal the pain. The deep strokes and friction work amazingly well on chronically painful areas.

There are many other massage therapies possible, but at Ideal Wellness, the therapist can evaluate the condition and decide the mode of action and treatment. Contact us for the best massage therapist in Jupiter, FL, because we offer great deals of massage therapy in Jupiter.

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