Massage Therapy For Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia manifests as chronic pain in different parts of the body. 

In this challenging situation, the individual complains of pain, fatigue, and sleep disturbances because of pain and discomfort in the tendons, muscles, soft tissues, and ligaments.

Emotional state, neurotransmitter imbalances, sleep disorders, and endocrine secretions are said to be responsible for triggering the symptoms of this medical condition.

Sleep studies indicate that people with this condition can never enjoy deep sleep.

Massage therapy in North Palm Beach is very helpful for people, showing them the best way to attain overall wellness and keep the fibromyalgia pain under control. Chronic pain often needs medications, but people are now resorting to alternative, yet complementary, methods of treatment, such as regular massage sessions.

Sleeplessness reduces serotonin levels, and thus, pain modulation is affected. Though there is no specific reason for Fibromyalgia, one thing is certain –massage therapy helps by managing pain and depression, reducing anxiety, and improving sleep!

How Does Massage Therapy Benefit Those With Fibromyalgia?

  1. Massage therapy releases endorphins, which are natural painkillers, helping to manage fibromyalgia pain effectively.
  2. It improves blood circulation and reduces muscle tension, leading to significant relaxation and decreased stiffness.
  3. A relaxing and therapeutic massage can enhance sleep quality and patterns, allowing the body to achieve deeper relaxation and sleep.
  4. By stimulating increased blood flow to various parts of the body, massage enhances both mobility and flexibility.

Massages add a feel-good factor to the body and control anxious feelings and depression.

Which Massage Modality Is Helpful In Fibromyalgia?

The massage therapist uses various massage techniques to manipulate the tissues, muscles, ligaments, and tendons to relieve the tension in the body:

Myofascial release:

This massage is very effective and helpful for Fibromyalgia. The soft connective tissues are kneaded and manipulated to provide relief. The locked-in muscles are released, helping the body combat fibromyalgia. 

Massages offer comprehensive treatment, and when the right exercise forms accompany it, lifestyle modification and recommended medical therapies. The pain caused by this condition can be debilitating because it leaves the individual exhausted and worn out because of the chronic pain.

Myofascial release helps reduce pain and discomfort in the fascia or connective tissues surrounding the muscles. This affects the sleep quality and reduces the pain. The fascia covering the bones and muscles has to be pressed and manipulated to improve mobility and flexibility.

Massage therapist in North Palm Beach also applies pressure on trigger points that are hurting or causing discomfort to the individual. Stretching, compression, and pressing of different painful points in the body can alleviate pain.

Deep tissue massage:

Massages benefit the whole body, according to medical research. Still, deep tissue massage is a targeted massage relieves a certain body part from chronic injuries and deep-rooted pain.

If a specific area aches and there is deep muscular pain, the tissues and muscles in the region must be massaged deeply to remove the tension knots and adhesions for muscle recovery.

Deep tissue massages can be painful and cause discomfort and soreness due to the pressure used. But all this is temporary and necessary to alleviate the long-term pain the strained and sprained muscles may be causing.

People who face tissue soreness, muscle pain, injuries, and imbalance can relieve tension, chronic pain, anxiety, and stress with a relaxing deep tissue massage. 

Swedish massage: 

In Swedish massage, the massage therapist circularly uses kneading and long strokes on the top layers of the muscles. The hands’ gradual and rhythmic movement promotes relaxation and reduces muscular tension.

The massage therapist gradually increases the pressure and keeps pressing the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and tissues periodically so that the individual feels relaxed and rejuvenated.

Massage therapy triggers the physical and mental mechanisms of the body, thus improving depression and physical functioning and alleviating pain, muscle tension, anxiety, and sleep patterns. Fibromyalgia patients benefit greatly from the moderate pressure of hands and other tools.

Benefits of Massage Therapy for Fibromyalgia:

  1. Relief from pain
  2. Improved sleep patterns
  3. Increased flexibility and mobility
  4. Reduced anxiety and stress
  5. Improved mood
  6. Better range of motion
  7. Relief from exhaustion
  8. Releases tension in trigger points and muscles
  9. Releases happy hormones

The pressure applied in the body has to be carefully calculated. People who have Fibromyalgia cannot bear too much pressure on their muscles and bones.

When the condition gets aggravated, massage strokes can be of great help. The pain and stiffness are reduced, and the overall wellness and quality of life improve with regular massage sessions.

Contact Ideal Wellness for therapeutic sessions and get relief from the painful and debilitating fibromyalgia symptoms.

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